
Merger Review Should Incorporate a Role for Unions

Eric A. Posner argues that merger review would benefit from involving union representatives to protect labor interests.

How Practical Are Biden’s Proposals to Promote Labor Market Competition?

A new report from the Biden administration lays out ways to increase competition in US labor markets. Will they work? A Biden administration report, published...

How Manufacturing’s Lobby Won and Lost its Political Influence

What happens when supporting capitalism hurts capitalists? Do business lobbies ever control the economy to the extent we think they do? The tumultuous history...

Why a “Whole-of-Government” Approach is the Solution to Antitrust’s Current Labor Problem

For the majority of America’s regulatory history, the problem of employer monopsony was understood as a competition policy issue that required direct government-wide labor...

The Corporate Power Narrative: How Corporations Benefit from Economic Globalization

In an excerpt from their new book, Six Faces of Globalization: Who Wins, Who Loses, and Why It Matters, Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode, Featuring Paul Krugman: A Reading List

On this episode, Kate and Luigi talk with Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman about his new book Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the...

Strong Employers and Weak Employees: Study Sheds New Light on How Labor Market Concentration Hurts Workers

New study finds that wages are significantly lower in concentrated labor markets—and even lower in labor markets where unionization rates are low. America’s decades-long wage...