
The Other Side of Trump's Shadow Diplomacy: After Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo in Italy Too?

The White House asked the Italian government for support in its "investigation on the investigators" to prove the existence of a Democratic plot against...

Companies Are More Effective Than the White House in Stopping Whistleblowers

Harvard Business School professor Eugene Soltes tested the "integrity hotlines" companies are supposed to have to let employees report misconduct. In many cases, they...

The Surprising Twist in GOP Economic Thinking: Tax Cuts Might Be Bad for Business

Senator Mitt Romney wrote Donald Trump a letter to stop his plan to reduce capital gain taxes. This is an important signal that a...

Presenting: The Stigler Center’s Report on How to Rein in Big Tech

The Stigler Center presents its policy suggestions on how to address the political and economic issues raised by the market power of tech platforms...

Who Won the Democratic Debate? The ProMarket Panel Responds

A panel of ProMarket writers and editors met to watch the third Democratic Debate. Find out what they thought about it.   

What Bernie Sanders’s Plan to Save American Journalism Gets Right – and What It Misses

Independent and effective news reporting is at the heart of the democratic process. The dangers to media plurality and local journalism that Sanders identifies...

The News About Antitrust’s Impending Resurgence Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

The federal antitrust agencies don’t appear to be serious about their recent Big Tech push. And given that the Supreme Court and federal judiciary...

How Antitrust Became Mainstream, Part 3: The Antimonopoly Political Revolution

In this third and final part of his three-part series on the resurgence of antimonopoly, Matt Stoller explains how the election of Donald Trump...

The Real “China Shock”: Political Fallout from Slowing Exports in China

As China’s export growth has slowed down over the past five years, workers have responded by taking to the streets with increasing frequency. The...

How the Legal System Helps the Media Hold the Powerful to Account

The legal system is the bloodline of investigative journalism. Recent maneuvers by the Trump administration may jeopardize it.     When done effectively, investigative journalism can greatly...