
“So Long As Corporate Managers See Their Objective as Maximizing Returns, Rent-Seeking and Regulatory Capture Will Persist”

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series on the economic theory of the firm, Harvard Business School professor Lynn Paine discusses the role of corporations and...

“The Ability of Companies to Subvert the Operating Rules for the Market is a Deep, Systematic, Durable Force”

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series, we ask Harvard Business School professor Herman "Dutch" Leonard about the involvement of corporations in politics...

“Under President Trump and the Republican Congress, Banks Will Have Even More Ability to Write Regulations That Favor Them”

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series on the economic theory of the firm, we ask University of Connecticut law professor and blogger James Kwak if...

Bengt Holmstrom: "I'm More Concerned About the Economic Power of the Most Valuable Companies Than Their Political Power"

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series, Nobel laureate Bengt Holmstrom says “this may be the right time to look at political engagement...

Stigler Center Lecture: Is American Democracy in Trouble?

David Moss, the Paul Whiton Cherington Professor at Harvard Business School, will examine the health of American democracy from a historical perspective. Fears about extreme...

Theory of the Firm Interview Series: John Van Reenen

The second installment in ProMarket’s new interview series: Should the economic theory of the firm be modified? If so, how? In this installment, we...

Interview Series: How Incomplete is the Theory of the Firm? Q&A with Daniel Carpenter

Should the economic theory of the firm be modified? If so, how? In March, the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School...

Executive Orders, Judicial Orders, and the Rule of Law

What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration and its aftermath mean for the rule of law? What does President Trump’s executive order on immigration—and...

Financial Trust Index: Americans are Angrier at the Current Economic Situation, Particularly Low-Income Whites

The latest update of the Chicago Booth/Kellogg School Financial Trust Index survey shows that anger at the current economic situation has been growing among...

Donald Trump’s Economic Policies: Pro-Business, Not Pro-Market

Trump is eliminating lobbyists by putting them in charge of all departments. After his election,((This post was originally published in Il Sole 24 Ore.)) it was...