Trump Administration

Election Timetabling Is Not the Role of Judges

As wrong as it is that the Wisconsin elections were held under patently unsafe conditions, it is not the place of the courts to...

How Covid-19 Infected Global Financial Markets: a Webinar

Princeton Professor Markus Brunnermeier and Torsten Slok, Chief Economist for Deutsche Bank Securities, discuss what happened during Wall Street's worst week since the 2008...

How to Save American Middle-Sized Businesses from the Coronavirus Supply-Chain Crisis

Congress passed an $8.3 billion spending bill to address the coronavirus epidemic, but the bill will not protect small companies. Republican Senator Marco Rubio put forward...

The SEC’s Shareholder Voting Reform Runs Counter to Attempts at Democratizing Corporate America

The SEC should drop its proposed changes or modify them so that they are less onerous and less damaging to the rights of shareholders...

The Most Persistent of All Zombie Ideas: That Taxing the Wealthy Is Destructive to the Economy

Economics can’t tell you what values to have. It can, however, shed light on what to expect from policy that reflects any particular set...

Emmanuel Saez: Saying Inequality Has Not Increased in the US "the Equivalent of Being a Climate Change Denier”

In an interview with ProMarket ahead of his upcoming Stigler Center visit this week, UC Berkeley economist Emmanuel Saez discussed the impact of the...

Why the US Government Buys Overpriced Services From McKinsey

The Industrial Funding Fee pays $3 million a year for a 23-year old McKinsey employee instead of hiring an experienced person directly to do...

“The Question Is Whether We Live in a Democracy or a Corporate State”

In an interview with ProMarket, Goliath author Matt Stoller discusses the political choices that led to the downfall of the American antimonopoly movement and the “addiction to...

"You Can Put the Monopoly Tiger in a Cage but You Cannot Transform a Tiger Into a Vegan"

In an extensive interview with the Swiss news website, Luigi Zingales discusses ways to deal with Big Tech and the impact of the...

Fake Letters Poisoned the Debate on SEC's New Rules on Shareholder Votes and Proxy Advisory Firms

SEC Chairman Jay Clayton claimed that the draft regulation on shareholders' votes and proxy advisory firms received approval by hundreds of "Main Street" Americans....