Claire Friedland, who served as George Stigler’s research assistant from 1959 until his death in 1991, reminisces about her decades of pioneering work with Stigler and...
Our 40th anniversary event brought together academics and intellectuals to discuss George Stigler’s legacy. Watch the second day's sessions.
The George J. Stigler Center for the Study of...
Many of Stigler’s views on monopoly and antitrust were consistent through the decades. Even after his concerns of monopoly began to recede, he continued...
Three new board members bring political science firepower to advance Stigler’s mission to understand how states and markets interact.
ProMarket, the blog of the Stigler...
Does the fact that Russian readers consume news produced by government-controlled entities, even though they have access to independent sources, imply a demand for...
Antitrust authorities, no less than regulatory authorities, are vulnerable to capture by the collective interests of groups having the most salient stakes in antitrust...
This 10-week program, which will take place in Chicago Booth’s Hyde Park Campus, will offer a transformative learning experience for up-and-coming journalists seeking to...