stigler center

The Stigler Center Dedicates Second Annual Antitrust and Competition Conference to Digital Platforms and Concentration

The invitation-only conference will bring together economists, law scholars, intellectuals, venture capitalists, and businesspeople to debate how to promote competition in a world of...

What Insights Do Taxi Rides Offer into Federal Reserve Leakage?

Does investment-relevant information leak from the Fed? A new Stigler Center working paper finds surprising and novel evidence in a public dataset.     One of the...

A Statement From ProMarket's Editors

A statement from University of Chicago Booth School of Business Professor and Stigler Center Director Luigi Zingales and ProMarket editor Samantha Eyler-Driscoll.      The senior editor...

Announcing the Participants in the 2018 Stigler Center Journalist in Residence Program

From March, the Stigler Center will welcome eight world-class journalists from Canada, Chile, China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States for an...

What’s Capitalism Got Going for It—and Against It? A New Podcast, Capitalisn’t, Tallies the Score

“Capitalism is the engine of prosperity.” “Capitalism sows the seeds of its own demise.” Could both things be true? Economists Kate Waldock and Luigi...

Chicago’s Hidden Figure: A Chat with Claire Friedland on her Work with George Stigler

Claire Friedland, who served as George Stigler’s research assistant from 1959 until his death in 1991, reminisces about her decades of pioneering work with Stigler and...

Watch: “Stigler in the 21st Century”

Our 40th anniversary event brought together academics and intellectuals to discuss George Stigler’s legacy. Watch the second day's sessions.      The George J. Stigler Center for the Study of...

ProMarket Expands Editorial Board

Three new board members bring political science firepower to advance Stigler’s mission to understand how states and markets interact. ProMarket, the blog of the Stigler...

Populist Plutocrats as a Political Phenomenon

How can a rich man successfully pose as a representative of the poor and the disenfranchised and become the leader of a populist movement?...

A Small Step for Theory, a Leap Forward in Corporate Governance

Moving from shareholder value maximization to shareholder welfare maximization may be a small step in theory, but it could trigger a leap forward in...