Two years ago, the Morandi bridge collapse claimed 43 lives. Based on financial statements, Italian government documents, and interviews with independent experts and corporate...
The Stigler Center is launching its fourth Political Economy of Finance conference and seeking papers on topics related to corporate social responsibility, the purpose...
As the University of Chicago moves all of its spring classes online as a precautionary measure while the COVID-19 situation is evolving, the Stigler...
President Trump’s 2020 Economic Report finally confronts the issue of antitrust enforcement both in the traditional economy and in the digital one. While it...
In a letter submitted to the record by the US Senate Subcommittee on Antitrust currently investigating Big Tech, Luigi Zingales expounds on the Stigler...
Brian K. Richter’s case study illustrates how firms can use lobbying strategies to complement socially responsible activities that are cost centers and turn them...