
Please, Don’t Use Taxpayer Money to Bail Out Investors Like Me

When we invested in stocks and bonds, we knew we might have to face a storm or two. The high returns we received on...

Economics, Law and Finance Professors from Major Universities Write to Congress : “Bail Out People Before Large Corporations”

"Bailouts allow investors to keep all the profits in good times without bearing the losses in bad times. Instead, bailouts impose losses on taxpayers, including those...

The SEC’s Shareholder Voting Reform Runs Counter to Attempts at Democratizing Corporate America

The SEC should drop its proposed changes or modify them so that they are less onerous and less damaging to the rights of shareholders...

The SEC Proposal on Proxy Advisory Firms Will Provide Greater Transparency and Accountability

Proxy advisory firms lack transparency and their recommendations are not always in shareholders' interests. However, despite their poor performance, the two biggest firms' market...

Firms with Owners in Common Are Freer about Publicly Disclosing Information

The accounting literature has long examined how public disclosures relate to firm competitiveness. If common ownership is in fact hurting competition, companies with owners...

Turning Corporations into Democracies

The problem with encouraging firms to maximize shareholder welfare is how to prevent managers and special interests from diverting corporate resources in the name of shareholder...

Let Data Guide Legislation: Stifling Shareholders in the CHOICE Act?

In improving the current shareholder proposal process, legislators should trade the butcher knife for the scalpel.   What influence, if any, should shareholders have over...

Are Managers Who Oppose Shareholder Proposals Acting in the Best Interest of Shareholders?

A new Stigler Center working paper finds that managers who resist shareholder proposals are typically acting responsibly, as opposed to acting on their own...