The New SEC Proxy Rules Will Redefine American Capitalism: Let’s Debate Them

A new SEC proposal regarding proxy advisors will make it harder for shareholders to vote against CEOs' preferences. However, there is a 60-day period...

The SEC's Proposal on Proxy Advisor Regulation Shields CEOs From Accountability to Investors

SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson dissented from his SEC colleagues' proposal on how to reform proxy advisors regulation. New rules, he argues, would introduce a...

Bethany McLean's Weekend Reading List: the SEC, Tesla, and California's Housing Crisis

Corruption, lobbying, corporate malfeasance, and frauds: a weekly unconventional selection of must-read articles by investigative journalist Bethany McLean.    One of my ongoing obsessions is the...

SolarCity’s Troubles Fuel the Religious War Around Tesla’s Future and Elon Musk

Musk has been saying for years that his solar business will be similar in size to Tesla’s car business, but this is not likely to...

The Counterfeit Capitalism of WeWork: Predatory Pricing as a Business Model

The company failed to go public and its founder, Adam Neumann, had to step down. This is good news: ordinary investors refused to put...

Editors’ Briefing: On Our Radar This Week (Jan. 29–Feb. 2)

This week in political economy.   As cities across America continue to compete for Amazon’s second headquarters, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari...

SEC and Revolving Doors: Q&A with Eric Ben-Artzi, the Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Who Rejected a Multimillion Dollar Award

ProMarket interviews Eric Ben-Artzi, the former Deutsche Bank risk officer turned whistleblower who rejected an $8.25 million award from the SEC.  In May 2015, Deutsche Bank...