
The Persuasive Effect of Fox News: How Increases in Fox News Viewership Reduced Compliance With Social Distancing Guidelines

Using zip-code level data on Fox News viewership and individual cellphone movement data, a recent study finds that increasing the local viewership of Fox...

How Personal Experiences With Covid-19 Are Changing Americans’ Behaviors and Political Views

While strong divisions persist across party lines, personal experiences with Covid-19, such as loss of income, may affect views and preferences among Americans. Since April,...

Revenge of the Experts: Will Covid-19 Diminish Trust in Science and Scientists?

It is often argued that the Covid-19 pandemic will reverse the ongoing trend of diminishing trust in science and scientists. A new paper finds...

Many Republicans Are Skeptical About Coronavirus. Research Suggests That Republican Politicians Could Change That

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is skeptical of climate change, supports teaching creationism in public schools, and opposes stem cell research. That's exactly why...

On Science Advancing One Funeral at a Time

Do star scientists erect barriers to entry for newcomers in their fields? Pierre Azoulay and Joshua Graff Zivin bring some data to the question...