In his new book Monopolized, journalist David Dayen tells the stories of individuals who have suffered at the hands of monopolists, showing the myriad...
Three myths about federal regulation help prevent much of the public, and many experts, from realizing how many regulations serve to promote special interests.
While big brands can afford to pause their addiction to Facebook, most advertisers cannot participate, as they have become so dependent on Facebook’s ad-targeting...
Two years ago, the Morandi bridge collapse claimed 43 lives. Based on financial statements, Italian government documents, and interviews with independent experts and corporate...
A new paper seeks to examine whether police misbehavior is concentrated or diffuse by identifying whether highway patrol officers in Florida are more lenient...
Stefano Feltri responds to Paul Milgrom’s criticisms of his recent ProMarket piece on the 2017 FCC spectrum auction.
In his response, Paul Milgrom discloses some...
Glen Weyl, Microsoft’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer Political Economist and Social Technologist, responds to Paul Milgrom’s criticisms of his recent ProMarket piece...
In a post published on his company’s website, Stanford professor Paul Milgrom responded to the recent ProMarket pieces by Glen Weyl and Stefano Feltri...