In the first part of a three-part series, Matt Stoller explains why antimonopoly politics is experiencing a resurgence.
There are two basic components to...
Waiting for further proof of causal mechanisms before addressing the anticompetitive harm caused by horizontal shareholding is unjustified, just as it was when people...
Delivering UChicago’s 532nd Convocation address, Luigi Zingales advised young graduates to embrace their power as consumers, workers, and citizens and fight corporate monopolies.
Simply adding competition in the tech sector won't solve problems like privacy abuses or discrimination. Competition is needed, but regulation is a necessary element...
The growing use of artificial intelligence to price insurance could erode basic legal protections built into the law to protect both individuals and the...
Inappropriate financial donor influence at institutions of higher education appears to be on the rise and risks eroding public trust in academic research. In...
The notion that Facebook, Google, and Twitter should be assigned fiduciary duties toward their end users has gained broad support in recent years. However, this...