Two of the most well-known University of Chicago economists launched a website to collect examples of regulations that are limiting the United States' reaction to...
At the SEC, Jordan Thomas had a leadership role in developing the program to protect and reward employees who report corporate wrongdoing. Now, he is...
Many fear that the potential for well-paid post-elective jobs can make legislators give rewards to their future employers. A new study finds that career...
If elected, former Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to "revoke immediately" the 1996 provision that gave tech companies like...
The new regulation that Security and Exchange Commissioners voted in November doesn't fix proxy advisory industry duopoly problems, but it actually makes them worse:...
The draft SEC regulation on shareholder proposal and proxy advisory firms will curb the initiative of individual shareholders to improve corporate governance and transparency...
In an interview with ProMarket, Goliath author Matt Stoller discusses the political choices that led to the downfall of the American antimonopoly movement and the “addiction to...
Disney is not a corporation that pushes the bounds of artistic and technological possibility but a corporation that pushes the bounds of legal possibility...
The FTC sued the company that monopolized the market of components for cell phones with its aggressive patent policy. However, in the technological race...