
Regulatory Capture, Ancient and Modern

Regulatory capture's antecedents in political thought—which date back to ancient Greece—inform the modern concept. Until recently, the term regulatory capture seemed stale, a mid-20th century...

Making it Look Like a Struggle

 For capture to be sustainable, the regulator has to find ways to be perceived as being tough on the regulated without really hurting them. The...

Preventing Regulatory Capture

When a regulation’s benefits exceed its costs, simplicity and interdisciplinary processes are essential to reducing capture. Regulatory capture arises when regulatory decisions advance private interests...

Challenges in Measuring Regulatory Capture

We as a society have failed to settle upon what we think are the measurements, the correlates, the red flags, and the warning signs...

The 'Argumentum a Crise': So Powerful, So Prone to Misuse

Since the financial crisis and the related euro debt crisis, the use of the argumentum a crise has been ubiquitous. A more selective use...

The Surprising Failure Of Food Labeling

If lawmakers want to improve the dietary choices of Americans, the first thing they need to recognize is that the problem is not information. (Note:...

ProMarket Interview: Alan Blinder on Over-Regulating Financial Markets

In order to get optimal regulation in the financial world, says Alan Blinder, the former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, one should seek...