
Eliot Spitzer: The Democratic Party Has Become the Party of the Status Quo

Former New York governor Eliot Spitzer talks about antitrust, digital platforms, economic concentration, and regulatory capture. Part 2 of 2.      In the first part of...

"The Pharmaceutical Industry Has a Large Amount of Control Over the Field of Oncology"

In the second part of our two-part interview with Daniel Goldstein, MD, an oncologist who studies the influence of business interests on healthcare, we talk...

Big Four Audit Firms Enjoy a “Too Few to Fail” Regulatory Hall Pass

The failure of Enron and subsequent demise of Arthur Andersen led to significant changes for public reporting and auditing but not much change in...

How Financial Regulations Can Create Barriers to Entry: The Case of Cumplo in Chile

A new Stigler Center case study chronicling the story of Chile’s first crowdfunding platform and its early regulatory challenges illustrates how financial regulations can be...

Could the Fed Have Rescued Lehman Brothers? Q&A with Laurence Ball

A new study argues that the Federal Reserve could have saved Lehman Brothers from bankruptcy, but chose not to, partly because of political pressures.  Eight-and-a-half years ago,...

Democracy Against Domination: Overcoming Economic Power and Regulatory Failure in the New Gilded Age

The financial crisis—and the limits of our regulatory response to the crash—offer important lessons for our broader understandings of how to conceptualize and institutionalize...

Watch: Deutsche Bank Whistleblower Eric Ben-Artzi Explains What it Takes to Blow the Whistle on Fraud

Ben-Artzi: "The problem is not that you have misbehavior on Wall Street. It's that you have misbehavior by the people who are supposed to...

Earnings Inequality: The Implications of the Rapidly Rising Cost of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

The problem of rising healthcare costs cannot be fixed by the current prescription of redistributive policies. Policymakers must redirect their focus. Concern about income inequality...

Is China Succeeding in the War Against Corruption? Q&A with Bernard Yeung

In the past four years, China has been waging the biggest anticorruption campaign in its modern history. Is it working?  In the past four years, the...

It Takes a Village to Maintain a Dangerous Financial System: Q&A with Anat Admati

Stanford professor Anat Admati discusses her new paper, in which she explains how a mix of distorted incentives, ignorance, confusion, and lack of accountability contributes to...