
Barking Up the Right Tree: How Shareholder Activists Raise Issues to Placate Large Mutual Funds

A new paper examines whether shareholder activists tailor their campaigns to persuade large institutional investors and finds that in proxy communications, activists use phrases...

It is Not Just Small Investors Who Will Be Silenced Thanks to SEC’s New Rules

Shareholder proposals are one of the most effective forms of shareholder voice in corporate America. It is one of the main channels through which...

The SEC’s Shareholder Voting Reform Runs Counter to Attempts at Democratizing Corporate America

The SEC should drop its proposed changes or modify them so that they are less onerous and less damaging to the rights of shareholders...

Over 60 Leading Finance Economists Ask SEC to Revise the Shareholder Voting Draft Reform

The new regulation that Security and Exchange Commissioners voted in November doesn't fix proxy advisory industry duopoly problems, but it actually makes them worse:...

New Rules on Shareholder Voting Debate: Best Readers' Comment

The draft SEC regulation on shareholder proposal and proxy advisory firms will curb the initiative of individual shareholders to improve corporate governance and transparency...

Shareholders at the Gate: The Increasing Pressure on CEOs for More Transparency

The average share of votes in favor of proposals that require corporate executives to disclose political and lobbying spending is trending up. But a...

The SEC Proposal on Proxy Advisory Firms Will Provide Greater Transparency and Accountability

Proxy advisory firms lack transparency and their recommendations are not always in shareholders' interests. However, despite their poor performance, the two biggest firms' market...

The New SEC Proxy Rules Will Redefine American Capitalism: Let’s Debate Them

A new SEC proposal regarding proxy advisors will make it harder for shareholders to vote against CEOs' preferences. However, there is a 60-day period...

The SEC's Proposal on Proxy Advisor Regulation Shields CEOs From Accountability to Investors

SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson dissented from his SEC colleagues' proposal on how to reform proxy advisors regulation. New rules, he argues, would introduce a...