Market power

Are Markups Increasing?

A new Stigler Center paper challenges recent research on market power in the US, showing that markups did not increase over the last few...

New Evidence and Legal Theories About Horizontal Shareholding

Harvard Law School professor Einer Elhauge on his new paper on horizontal shareholding, which provides new empirical evidence that even when horizontal shareholders individually...

New Study Shows Just How Bad the US Labor Market’s Competition Problem Really Is

In recent decades, antitrust policy has all but ignored the issue of monopsony power. Yet a new paper shows that across the US economy,...

UN Study Warns: Growing Economic Concentration Leads to “Rentier Capitalism”

A new study by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development argues: The “endemic rent-seeking that stems from market concentration, heightened corporate power,...

Antitrust in the Labor Market: Protectionist, or Pro-Competitive?

Redirecting antitrust enforcement to confront monopsony power would be a substantial departure from the way it has been conducted in recent decades, but just...

The Rise of Market Power and the Decline of Labor’s Share

A new paper argues that the decline of the labor and capital shares, as well as the decline in low-skilled wages and other economic trends, have been...