Health care

The Unchecked Market Power of the American Health Care System

Chicago Booth alumnus and retired health care consultant David W. Ennis responds to ProMarket’s recent coverage on antitrust and the US health care system....

The Covid-19 Pandemic Should Not Delay Actions to Prevent Anticompetitive Consolidation in US Health Care Markets

Harvard Business School professor Leemore Dafny lays out potential reforms to assist agencies in halting anticompetitive acquisitions and practices, and to preserve and promote...

More Than 20 Years of Consolidation Have Led to a Dysfunctional Health Care Market

The US health care system is based on markets, which do not function as well as they could, or should. Prices are high and...

Preventing Drug Shortages and Saving Lives: The Role of Quality and Reliability Standards

Prescription drug shortages have become more common in recent years, interrupting usual medical care and increasing patient risk and system costs, but they are...

How the FTC Protected the Market Power of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) were established in the 1960s to control drug costs but have since morphed into one of the most highly concentrated...

What Is the Price of a Prescription Drug?

Due to lack of transparency and mystery rebates, which are considered trade secrets, figuring out the price of a prescription drug is devilishly difficult....

“The Antitrust Doctrine We’ve Seen Over the Last 40 Years Simply Does Not Match the Lived Experience of People”

In an interview with ProMarket, investigative journalist David Dayen discusses the toll that monopoly power takes on the lives of ordinary Americans and why...

Why We Should Be Careful About Google’s Promises in the Fitbit Deal

Google claims its acquisition of Fitbit is not about data, but hardware. This is simply not credible. Data plays a crucial role in the...

Covid Economics: The Marcoeconomic Impact of the Pandemic and Policy Responses

ProMarket reviews the most recent and interesting academic papers on the ongoing pandemic: One paper argues that people do not always fully internalize the...

“The Way Insurance Companies Have Rigged Our Health Care System, They’re Probably Going to Emerge as Financial Winners from This”

Author and former health insurance executive Wendell Potter explains to ProMarket why the employer-based health care system in the US is “collapsing” and why health...