Health care

How Has the Affordable Care Act Fared After Ten Years?

David Ennis evaluates how well the Affordable Care Act has met its expectations and where it has fallen short ten years after its implementation.

We Need Better Research on the Relationship Between Market Power and Productivity in the Hospital Industry

Antitrust debates have largely ignored questions about the relationship between market power and productivity, and scholars have provided little guidance on the issue due to data limitations. However, data is plentiful on the hospital industry for both market power and operating costs and productivity, and researchers need to take advantage, writes David Ennis.

Rethinking How To Achieve Universal Health Care Coverage in the US

Solutions to expanding heath care coverage in the U.S. are often incremental and focus on mitigating market failures. In new research, Katherine Baicker, Amitabh...

For the FDA, Fewer Regulations Can Create Safer Products

The US Food and Drug Administration is tasked with protecting consumers from unsafe food and medical products. In new research, Parker Rogers finds that...

How the Wrong Presumptions Led to the Wrong Conclusions in the United/Change Healthcare Merger

On Sept. 19, a federal judge approved UnitedHealth Group’s acquisition of Change Healthcare over the concerns of the U.S. Department of Justice. The judge’s...

The Fall of American Manufacturing and the Rise of Health Care

In an excerpt from his new book The Next Shift, University of Chicago historian Gabriel Winant explores how deindustrialization and the decline of the...

Who Bears the Cost of Administrative Problems in Health Care?

A new paper explores the resources consumed by the complicated billing process in health care and the process’ impact on patients’ access to care. Health...

Plagues Upon the Earth: How Wealth Intersects With Mortality

Kyle Harper’s new book, Plagues Upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human History, shows that the story of disease is entangled with...

Challenges to Sound Global Governance for Health

In an excerpt from his new book, Global Health Security: A Blueprint for the Future, Lawrence O. Gostin examines the challenges and threats to...

Competition Problems in Prescription Drug Market

Although not the sole cause of high prescription drug costs, abusive practices that distort competition contribute to the problem. Too many companies exclude competition...