Milton Friedman believed that corporations have a social responsibility to play within the rules of the game. But corporations aren’t just players of the...
Recent protests against racism and police brutality, along with the #MeToo movement, have increased pressure on businesses to measure and improve their recruitment and...
Being socially responsible can, and frequently does, make good business sense. There are plenty of opportunities for companies to do well by doing good.
According to New York Times journalist Binyamin Appelbaum's recent book The Economists'Â Hour, economics is not the unbiased science that it pretends to be, but...
The rise of giants like Amazon and Facebook proves the long-lasting influence of Director's approach. His intellectual and political legacy is the transition of...
Aaron Director, who died 15 years ago, made important contributions to the analysis of business practices. None were ever published under his name. Professor...
A new paper by Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales argues that a company’s objective should be the maximization of shareholders’ welfare, not value.Â
In 1970,...