Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s assurances that Facebook will continue its research program, it seems almost inevitable that the company will narrow the scale and scope of the...
The Facebook Papers show how Facebook’s relentlessly positive and defiant PR messaging is not plausible anymore. Hence, a rebrand.
It sounds too good to be...
Why is there a widespread view that existing American antitrust law is ill-equipped to address dominant platforms that exclude or discriminate against rivals? How...
Despite some compelling allegations, a federal judge dismissed the FTC's antitrust complaint against Facebook due to the agency’s failure to explain how it calculated...
Technology companies must put community safety and privacy at the core of their business model, ensure that advertising technology is utilized responsibly, and quickly...
Senator Klobuchar’s bill includes many useful proposals to bolster antitrust enforcement, but the antitrust laws have been so weakened by the courts and by...