European Union

The Betrayal of Populism: Why the New Far Right Is the Real Threat to Our Democracy

Much of the discussion on populism focuses exclusively on protest against the political system: the protest of “the people” against “the elite.” But elites...

Former Italian PM and European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti: Why Antitrust Enforcement Is “More Vigorous" in Europe Than in the US

Why is Europe so much more vigorous than the US when it comes to antitrust enforcement? In an interview with ProMarket, Monti, who served...

Is Economic Insecurity Behind the Specter of Populism?

A new study examines the role of the 2007–9 global financial crisis and its metastasis in Europe on voting and political beliefs, showing that crisis-driven economic...

Wider and Direct Access to Financial Market Infrastructure Is the Next Step for a More Competitive Financial Market

The potential impact of Europe's revised Payment Services Directive, known as PSD2, should not be underestimated, as banks adapt to a flatter and more competitive...

Catalonia on the Brink: How Did We Get Here?

Catalans simply want to vote and exercise their right of self-determination, argues Jaume Ventura of CREI; if they do not stand up for their...

The Catalonian Labyrinth [Parts I & II]

The Catalonian problem required farsighted political leadership. We got the opposite, and now the patients are running the asylum, says Tano Santos of...