In the first part of a three-part series, Matt Stoller explains why antimonopoly politics is experiencing a resurgence.
There are two basic components to...
A peculiar feature of WhatsApp groups has made the spread of misinformation much easier. We need better design guidelines for platforms like WhatsApp, ones...
If we want to solve the disinformation crisis, we need to fix the perverse incentives created by the online advertising market through structural and...
Simply adding competition in the tech sector won't solve problems like privacy abuses or discrimination. Competition is needed, but regulation is a necessary element...
The notion that Facebook, Google, and Twitter should be assigned fiduciary duties toward their end users has gained broad support in recent years. However, this...
A new report by the journalist network Investigate Europe claims representatives of Facebook and Google pressured members of an EU working group on fake...
Digital platforms present an enforcement challenge sufficiently daunting that it requires major reforms to antitrust law. But in order to restore lost competition, we...
At the Stigler Center’s annual competition conference, Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes called for the unwinding of Facebook’s WhatsApp and Instagram acquisitions and the creation...