Digital Economy

Would Sen. Warner’s Ambitious Plan to Regulate Social Media Giants “Ruin” the Internet—Or Save it?

Sen. Mark Warner’s proposals to regulate social media platforms are by far the most ambitious to come from Congress. We gathered three experts to...

“If You’re Running an Authoritarian Government, You Love Facebook”

In a wide-ranging interview with ProMarket, media scholar Siva Vaidhyanathan explains why Facebook has become “too big to manage” and why he believes the...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (June 30–July 7)

Scott Pruitt resigns from the EPA; a new report finds that digital platforms are not fully complying with the EU’s new privacy rules; Google,...

Ohio v. American Express: Clarence Thomas Sets Sail on a Sea of Doubt, and, Mirabile Dictu, It’s Still a Bad Idea

SCOTUS Forum. In the first of a roundtable of op-eds on the Supreme Court’s Amex decision of June 25, Chris Sagers harks back to...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (June 16–23)

AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner continues to make waves; a New York federal judge says the entire Consumer of Financial Protection Bureau needs to...

Is Social Media Associated with Real-World Violence? A Study of the US President’s Tweets

A new study by researchers at the University of Warwick investigates the relationship between Donald Trump’s tweets and anti-Muslim hate crime—with sobering results for...

“In 10 Years, the Surveillance Business Model Will Have Been Made Illegal”

The opening panel of the Stigler Center’s annual antitrust conference discussed the source of digital platforms’ power and what, if anything, can be done...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (April 28–May 4)

George Mason University faces controversy over its relationship with donors; the former CEO of Volkswagen is charged in relation to the company’s diesel emissions...

Glen Weyl: "The Very Structure of Capitalism Is Inherently Monopolistic"

In an interview with ProMarket, Glen Weyl, co-author of the wildly ambitious (and wildly controversial) new book Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a...

Luigi Zingales Proposes Creation of Interdisciplinary Committee on Digital Platforms Regulation

The Committee on Internet Platforms Regulation, proposed Zingales would be comprised of academics and experts on the industry.     At the end of the Stigler Center’s conference...