
“Comments for Sale”: Charitable Donations Can Lead Non-profits to Support Corporate Regulatory Agendas

A new paper shows how financial ties between companies and non-profits can subvert rulemaking process and lead to regulations that favor the interests of...

How Unusual is the Recent Boom in Profits and Values of US Listed Corporations?

In the past decades, the US stock market and business profits have been growing much faster than the rest of the economy. A new...

The Most Famous Article on the Theory of the Firm is Widely Misunderstood

Michael Jensen and William Meckling’s famous 1976 Journal of Financial Economics article has been cited nearly 100,000 times and is often regarded as a...

Public’s Perception of Large Corporations Has Direct Impact on the Public Support of Corporate Bailouts

A new Stigler Center working paper finds that the likelihood of someone signing an online petition or contacting their US senators to support corporate...

Holding Corporations and Executives Accountable Depends on Our Legal System

How can the law prevent and deter corporate wrongdoing? The answer might lie in identifying what factors are associated with greater wrongdoing and how...

Do Companies Invest In Corporate Social Responsibility At the Expense of Their Employees?

The past decade has seen companies increasing investments in initiatives of corporate social responsibility (CSR), such as donating a share of profits to charity....

How Corporate Purpose Affects Firms

A company’s purpose is a core aspect of the organization: it influences the financial performance of company, and relates to its ownership characteristics, compensation...

Is Corporate Personhood to Blame for Money in Politics?

Just because corporations are “legal persons” doesn’t mean that they should get all of the same rights as human persons. Yet over the past...

How Companies Spin Off Environmental Liabilities to Avoid Legal Obligations

Environmental externalities are vexing for corporate decision makers, but some companies have figured out a way to deal with them: a spinoff. A recent...

Institution Man: How Corporations Came to Dominate the US Economy

In the first chapter of his book Transaction Man, Nicholas Lemann explores how Adolf Berle, author of The Modern Corporation and Private Property and...