Corporate Governance

Experts: Financial Rewards and Protections Are the Best Way to Incentivize Whistleblowers

Stephen Kohn, executive director of the National Whistleblower Center: “If your white-collar crime detection program is based on nice people having high moral values,...

Study: Women in Finance Are Punished More Severely – Especially When Their Boss Is a Man

A new Stigler Center paper shows the extent of sexism in the financial industry: although male financial advisers are three times as likely to engage in misconduct...

PwC and the Oscars: When Auditors Take Investors to La La Land

PwC suffered an enormous blow to its reputation following the Oscars because the ceremony is highly visible and the failure was simple to understand. But the accounting giant has experienced many blunders in the last...

“The Ability of Companies to Subvert the Operating Rules for the Market is a Deep, Systematic, Durable Force”

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series, we ask Harvard Business School professor Herman "Dutch" Leonard about the involvement of corporations in politics...

“Under President Trump and the Republican Congress, Banks Will Have Even More Ability to Write Regulations That Favor Them”

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series on the economic theory of the firm, we ask University of Connecticut law professor and blogger James Kwak if...

Bengt Holmstrom: "I'm More Concerned About the Economic Power of the Most Valuable Companies Than Their Political Power"

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series, Nobel laureate Bengt Holmstrom says “this may be the right time to look at political engagement...

“We Are Arrogant – We hold On to Our Old Beliefs on the Gains of Trade”: ProMarket Interviews Bernard Yeung, Part 3

The third and final part of ProMarket's interview with Bernard Yeung, Dean of the National University of Singapore’s business school and one of the...

Theory of the Firm Interview Series: John Van Reenen

The second installment in ProMarket’s new interview series: Should the economic theory of the firm be modified? If so, how? In this installment, we...

Interview Series: How Incomplete is the Theory of the Firm? Q&A with Daniel Carpenter

Should the economic theory of the firm be modified? If so, how? In March, the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School...

Revolving Doors in the Private Sector: Quid Pro Quo or Efficient Market Mechanism?

A new paper by Elisabeth Kempf from the University of Chicago looks into the performance of credit analysts who left to work for investment...