Despite the overwhelming importance of digital platforms, and the chatter around their recent rise, our understanding of digital ecosystems is still limited. As such,...
A new paper explores how truce deals between gangs are equivalent to collusion, and result in higher extortion prices that have negative consequences for...
A series of class-action antitrust cases involving poultry, pork, and turkey processors have been settled before a trial could take place. However, these litigations...
A Stigler Center webinar explores instances where competition turns toxic, whether antitrust policy needs reform, and potential paths forward.
Is there such a thing as...
During a Stigler Center keynote webinar, Nobel laureate Paul Romer discussed concentration problems in the US and possible solutions, including a “pigouvian” tax, flexible...
A new study shows that the supposed tradeoff between better corporate governance and more competitive product markets may not exist. More commonly-owned firms have...