
How Should We Finance Higher Education If Not Through Student Debt? A New Capitalisn’t Episode

In a new episode of Capitalisn’t, Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean take a look at the student debt crisis: How did we get here?...

Judges Who Use Economic Reasoning in Court Decisions Rule In Favor of Business More Often

A new paper finds that judges who attended law schools with a strong law-and-economics intellectual environment use more economic reasoning, which is positively correlated with a higher...

Institution Man: How Corporations Came to Dominate the US Economy

In the first chapter of his book Transaction Man, Nicholas Lemann explores how Adolf Berle, author of The Modern Corporation and Private Property and...

eBook: Milton Friedman 50 Years Later, a Reevaluation

Over the past couple of months, ProMarket has hosted a lively debate on whether Milton Friedman was right or wrong when he wrote that...

Capitalisn’t Is Back: Can Economists and Journalists Work Together to Improve Capitalism?

Is capitalism the engine of prosperity, or is it the engine of destruction? On this podcast, we talk about the ways capitalism is—or more...

Should Small Businesses Consider Bankruptcy? A New Capitalisn’t Reading List

The coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on most businesses, but it has been especially hard on small businesses. Should those businesses file for...

Should We Defund the Police? A New Capitalisn’t Reading List

In this episode of the Capitalisn't podcast, Kate and Luigi take an economist's look at the concept of defunding the police. "Defund the police" has...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode: The Risk Of Reopening – a Reading List

Despite warnings from government and health officials, some states are choosing to begin reopening their economies this week by ending lockdown restrictions. In this...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode: Where Does the Money Come From? With Special Guest Eugene Fama

As Kate Waldock and Luigi Zingales predicted in a previous episode, the government is running out of money and will ask Congress for additional...

A Special Capitalisn’t Episode: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Economic Shutdown

One of the prominent economic debates to emerge during the coronavirus outbreak has been whether to continue with shelter-in-place measures that are hurting the...