
Europe’s Last Call, China’s PR, and a New Role for the State: a Conversation Between Luis Garicano and Luigi Zingales

Former academic and current Member of European Parliament Luis Garicano and Luigi Zingales discuss the future of the European Union and of its member...

A New Capitalisn’t Episode, Featuring Paul Krugman: A Reading List

On this episode, Kate and Luigi talk with Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman about his new book Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the...

The Best Political Economy Books of 2019

A history of American antimonopoly, the case against Big Tech, and how Europe got better than the US at free markets: here are (in no...

“Avoiding Plutocracy Would Require a Political Change”: Branko Milanovic on the Future of Capitalism

In an interview with ProMarket, CUNY Graduate Center economist Branko Milanovic discussed the differences and similarities between US-style and China-style capitalism and explained why,...

A Fair Amount of Freedom for Everyone: Aaron Director Did Have Ideals

David Henderson of the Hoover Institution defends the legacy of Aaron Director, the most enigmatic among the founders of the so-called "Chicago School." Director, argues...

The Counterfeit Capitalism of WeWork: Predatory Pricing as a Business Model

The company failed to go public and its founder, Adam Neumann, had to step down. This is good news: ordinary investors refused to put...

With the US and China, Two Types of Capitalism Are Competing With Each Other

Capitalism’s global victory has been achieved through two different types of capitalist systems: the liberal meritocratic capitalism that has developed incrementally in the West,...

The Surprising Twist in GOP Economic Thinking: Tax Cuts Might Be Bad for Business

Senator Mitt Romney wrote Donald Trump a letter to stop his plan to reduce capital gain taxes. This is an important signal that a...

The Secret Code of Capital and the Origin of Wealth Inequality

Capital is not a thing, but a social relation enforced by the law and the state. With the right legal coding, any object, claim,...

The Business Roundtable CEOs’ Statement: Same Old, Same Old

Despite the media hype about corporate CEOs having abandoned their shareholder value maximization credo, the recent statement from the Business Roundtable contains nothing new...