Nobel Prize-winning economist Eugene Fama argues that Bitcoin is fundamentally flawed and predicts it has a near-certain chance of becoming worthless within a decade....
In the latest Stigler Center working paper, Chicago Booth's Eric Budish argues that game-theoretic constraints imply there are "intrinsic economic limits to how economically...
The results of the latest Financial Trust Index (FTI) survey, released last week by Chicago Booth and the Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, offer...
Can individual cryptocurrencies be programmed with stability in mind and if so, could a plethora of cryptocurrencies exhibit, in the aggregate, stable behaviors?
By now,...
Will blockchain technology lead to less shareholder activism and higher executive compensation? Watch David Yermack’s full Stigler Center lecture on the potential implications of blockchain...
Watch David Yermack's full Stigler Center lecture on the potential implications of blockchain technology for the future of finance. First part of a three-part series.
Yermack, the Albert Fingerhut Professor of Finance and Business Transformation at New York University Stern School of Business, will teach a mini-course of three...