A new study suggests that “pay for delay” settlements–in which generic drug manufacturers that challenge the patents of branded drug firms agree to drop...
Concentration of power in supply chains is a prime mechanism by which dominant companies consolidate power and profits.
The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was...
In an interview with ProMarket, antitrust lawyer Gary Reback elaborated on the difference between antitrust enforcement in the U.S. and Europe, the influence the U.S. Supreme...
It should come as no surprise that the movement against regulatory capture is gaining momentum at this particular moment in our nation’s history.
It is...
If the large mutual funds are out to improve governance, why do they condone, if not encourage, seemingly excessive and performance-insensitive compensation packages? A new...
Curbing excessive economic rents might bolster productivity and address rising inequality.
Productivity growth—a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for rising incomes in the long run—has...
A new paper by Caroline Freund and Sarah Oliver from the Peterson Institute for International Economics explores the origins of the world’s billionaires, and...