antitrust and competition

Fighting Regulatory Capture in the 21st Century

It should come as no surprise that the movement against regulatory capture is gaining momentum at this particular moment in our nation’s history. It is...

Is More Antitrust the Answer to Rising Wealth Inequality?

University of Michigan professor Daniel Crane: “The story that somehow antitrust law is dead, that it’s been killed, is wrong. It hasn’t. It’s very...

Why Firms’ Shareholders Condone Seemingly “Excessive” Executive Pay Packages, and What it Means For the Economy

If the large mutual funds are out to improve governance, why do they condone, if not encourage, seemingly excessive and performance-insensitive compensation packages? A new...

Horizontal Shareholding, Antitrust, Growth and Inequality

Harvard Law School professor Einer Elhauge goes back to the days of Thurman Arnold, the head of the antitrust division in the FDR administration,...

Productivity, Inequality, and Economic Rents

Curbing excessive economic rents might bolster productivity and address rising inequality. Productivity growth—a necessary (though not sufficient) condition for rising incomes in the long run—has...

New Study Finds Evidence That Rents Might Be Higher in the U.S. than in Europe

A new paper by Caroline Freund and Sarah Oliver from the Peterson Institute for International Economics explores the origins of the world’s billionaires, and...

How to End Too-Big-To-Fail? At Minneapolis Fed Symposium, Participants Reject Big Bank Breakup

Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke: "Size is not the only relevant attribute of banks.” Should big banks be broken up in order to ensure the...

“The President’s Executive Order is Pro‑Market and Anti‑Abusive Market Power”

Ten days after the White House issued an executive order and a brief that highlights growing concentration and decreasing competition in the US economy,...

Are We All Rent-Seeking Investors?

Has The Economist, the commentary magazine of the capitalistic global elite, embraced the corporate-bashing trend taken by many populist politicians in the U.S., U.K.,...

The White House Acknowledges: The U.S. Has a Concentration Problem; President Obama Launches New Pro-Competition Initiative

President Barack Obama issues an executive order that calls on federal government agencies to promote competition within uncompetitive markets. President Barack Obama launched a broad new...