antitrust and competition

The Rise of Market Power and the Decline of Labor’s Share

A new paper argues that the decline of the labor and capital shares, as well as the decline in low-skilled wages and other economic trends, have been...

Eliot Spitzer: The U.S. Never Had the Will and the Ability to Hold the Most Powerful to Account

In a special interview with ProMarket, former New York governor Eliot Spitzer talks about financial regulation, regulatory capture, and antitrust. Part 1 of 2.   Clear rules and...

How Markets in Europe Opened Up as Guild Monopolies Declined in the Sixteenth Century

Markets don’t function well if they are ridden with frictions like lack of information or lack of trust. A new working paper finds that...

Big Four Audit Firms Enjoy a “Too Few to Fail” Regulatory Hall Pass

The failure of Enron and subsequent demise of Arthur Andersen led to significant changes for public reporting and auditing but not much change in...

How Market Power Leads to Corporate Political Influence

Neoclassical economic theory assumes that firms have no power to influence the rules of the game. A new paper by Luigi Zingales argues: This is...

How Financial Regulations Can Create Barriers to Entry: The Case of Cumplo in Chile

A new Stigler Center case study chronicling the story of Chile’s first crowdfunding platform and its early regulatory challenges illustrates how financial regulations can be...

Amazon at $1,000 – Should We Be Celebrating?

Amazon, whose stock price crossed $1,000 per share last week, illustrates the shortcomings of our current antitrust regime. Last Tuesday, Amazon’s stock price crossed $1,000...

"The Financialization of the U.S. Economy Has Produced Mechanisms That Lead Toward Concentration"

In this installment of ProMarket’s interview series on concentration in America, Gerald Berk from the University of Oregon discusses the political implications of concentration.  Does...

“Business Journalism Fails Spectacularly in Holding the Powerful to Account”

Can the media hold powerful corporate actors to account in an age of rising concentration? A Stigler Center panel offers opposing views.  The election of...

“Markets Today Are Radically Different Than What We Believe – We Have the Façade of Competition"

A Stigler Center panel explores the implications of big data for competition policy and for consumer welfare. The business model at the heart of the digital...