antitrust and competition

Google and Facebook’s “Kill Zone”: “We've Taken the Focus Off of Rewarding Genius and Innovation to Rewarding Capital and Scale”

A Stigler Center panel explores the implications of tech giants’ dominance on innovation and startups. Earlier this week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin joined a growing...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (May 12-May 19)

Wells Fargo is in hot water again; President Trump reportedly pushed the US Postmaster General to double the rate that Amazon pays to ship...

Factorless Income and Some Skepticism on the Case for Rising Markups

If imputed payments to labor and capital don’t add up to GDP, what should be done with the residual? New research from Chicago Booth...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (May 4–May 12)

A whistleblower alleges fraud in the audits of Silicon Valley companies; AT&T acknowledges that hiring Michael Cohen was a "bad mistake"; new analysis finds that...

“In 10 Years, the Surveillance Business Model Will Have Been Made Illegal”

The opening panel of the Stigler Center’s annual antitrust conference discussed the source of digital platforms’ power and what, if anything, can be done...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (April 28–May 4)

George Mason University faces controversy over its relationship with donors; the former CEO of Volkswagen is charged in relation to the company’s diesel emissions...

Glen Weyl: "The Very Structure of Capitalism Is Inherently Monopolistic"

In an interview with ProMarket, Glen Weyl, co-author of the wildly ambitious (and wildly controversial) new book Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a...

Why the T-Mobile–Sprint Merger Will Likely Lead to Higher Prices and Lower Quality

The rise in prices of mobile services risks imposing a higher tax on most households, higher than any possible tax rebate they might receive.  The...

Luigi Zingales Proposes Creation of Interdisciplinary Committee on Digital Platforms Regulation

The Committee on Internet Platforms Regulation, proposed Zingales would be comprised of academics and experts on the industry.     At the end of the Stigler Center’s conference...

Editors’ Briefing: This Week in Political Economy (April 14–April 28)

Why has Facebook’s scandal not dented its earnings? How much are states and local governments giving to corporations in economic-development incentives? And did CFPB...