Watch a discussion between UC Irvine’s Mehrsa Baradaran, Haifa University’s Eli Cook, and Chicago Booth’s Luigi Zingales on the composition, strengths, and weaknesses of different US...
This week, the House Committee on the Judiciary will hold a hearing on digital platforms and market power, during which members will get to question...
Misuse of antitrust for partisan purposes violates a norm intended to insulate enforcement from direct political influence and discourage politicians from exploiting enforcement decisions...
Boycott organizers want Facebook to “pick a side” and align its corporate operations with aggressive activism on issues such as racism and social justice....
Competition contributes to economic growth, and promoting competition law enforcement will enhance the growth prospects of developing countries. However, developing countries ought to tailor...
In a surprise ruling last month, the German Federal Court of Justice determined that Facebook must comply with an earlier decision by Germany’s competition...
While big brands can afford to pause their addiction to Facebook, most advertisers cannot participate, as they have become so dependent on Facebook’s ad-targeting...