antitrust and competition

Why Both Liberals and Conservatives Are Completely Wrong About Section 230

Abolishing Section 230 would not address disinformation and propaganda on social media nor charges of anti-conservative censorship. But its repeal would probably hurt startups...

Facebook Could Be Heading Towards a Breakup

Assuming Facebook’s acquisitions can be shown to have eliminated emerging rivals, reversing those acquisitions via divestiture—“the most important of antitrust remedies”—is the logical place...

Angus Deaton: “There’s Something Clearly Wrong With Our Corporate System, in Which Pharmaceutical Companies Are Allowed to Kill People for Money”

In an interview with ProMarket, Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton outlined what he believes the incoming Biden administration should do: introduce price controls and...

“A Loaded Weapon”: Francis Fukuyama on the Political Power of Digital Platforms

In an interview with ProMarket, Francis Fukuyama discusses the political threat posed by digital platforms and why he believes a “middleware” solution would be...

What Should the Biden Administration’s Antitrust Agenda Look Like? A Roundtable

How will US antitrust policy look under President Joe Biden? We caught up with four antitrust experts—Jonathan Baker, Zephyr Teachout, William Kovacic, and Teddy...

The Useful Distraction of Section 230

How the red-herring of a politicized Section 230 and “conservative censorship” distracts from a bipartisan national privacy act. Remember Cambridge Analytica? A lot has happened...

Kicking Around Section 230: Don’t Confuse Politics and Policymaking

Congressional hearings may make for good TV and viral social media posts, but reforming Section 230 would be more difficult than it seems.    “Change...

Big Tech Platforms and Schumpeter’s Creative Destruction

Schumpeter’s indirect entry theory fits the average tendencies of competition in digital industries. When the model is added to standard assumptions and suspicions, a...

Three Steps the Biden Administration Should Take to Tackle America’s Monopoly Problem

The Biden Administration can revive federal antimonopoly enforcement after 40 years of little action, even when faced with congressional opposition. Here’s how.  The new Biden...

What the Department of Justice Can Learn from the European Union’s Antitrust Investigations Into Google

The Department of Justice has opened antitrust investigations into Google's (alleged) attempt to monopolize online advertising. While the case recycles old grievances against Google,...