antitrust and competition

The Irony in Senator Klobuchar’s Antitrust Bill

The antitrust reform bill recently proposed by Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) purports to fix problems caused by antitrust courts’ reliance on “inaccurate economic assumptions.”...

Morale At the DOJ’s Antitrust Division Has Plummeted. Here’s How to Fix It

The Biden administration should work to reverse the declining morale since a re-energized Antitrust Division will translate into more effective, innovative enforcement efforts.   The...

Forcing Interoperability on Tech Platforms Would Be Difficult to Do

Governments around the world seem to be on a path to turn the leading tech firms into public utilities. Interoperability is likely to be...

What Would Lina Khan’s FTC Nomination Mean For the Future of Antitrust Enforcement?

If confirmed, Khan’s nomination potentially heralds a profound shift in the way that antitrust law is enforced and discussed in the US. Editor's note: Lina...

Congress Is Leaning Towards a Big Tech Breakup

The dominant platforms have proven themselves to be ungovernable. Behavioral remedies, especially those that require continuous oversight, might be pushed aside. The only issue...

Paltry Poultry Settlements and a Paralyzed Public Interest Protection

A series of class-action antitrust cases involving poultry, pork, and turkey processors have been settled before a trial could take place. However, these litigations...

Antitrust at CPAC: Conservatives Debate Breaking Up Big Tech

Speaking at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, Congressmen Darrell Issa and Ken Buck discussed their stances on breaking up Big Tech, Section 230,...

Does Market Power Lead to Political Power?

A Stigler Center webinar explores what would be the foundations of a political and economic system that might be more resilient to pressure from...

Why Are Google and Facebook Now Okay with Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code?

A week of commercial deals and government negotiations has resulted in a series of amendments to the legislation aimed at making Google and Facebook...

How the FTC Protected the Market Power of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) were established in the 1960s to control drug costs but have since morphed into one of the most highly concentrated...