antitrust and competition

Big Tech Platforms and Schumpeter’s Creative Destruction

Schumpeter’s indirect entry theory fits the average tendencies of competition in digital industries. When the model is added to standard assumptions and suspicions, a...

Three Steps the Biden Administration Should Take to Tackle America’s Monopoly Problem

The Biden Administration can revive federal antimonopoly enforcement after 40 years of little action, even when faced with congressional opposition. Here’s how.  The new Biden...

What the Department of Justice Can Learn from the European Union’s Antitrust Investigations Into Google

The Department of Justice has opened antitrust investigations into Google's (alleged) attempt to monopolize online advertising. While the case recycles old grievances against Google,...

The Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee Has Charted a Course for President-Elect Biden: He Should Follow It

Real antitrust reform of the kind offered by the Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee is needed to assist enforcers in precisely the types of competitive harms...

How Does the House Antitrust Report on Digital Markets Compare to Others Around the World?

While the House Majority Report on digital platforms, published earlier this month, differs from other analyses both in terms of its structure of analysis...

Tech Isn’t the Only Sector Deserving of Antitrust Investigation

The House Judiciary Committee’s antitrust report was a missed opportunity. The 450-page report focused solely on digital markets. But what about antitrust in other...

The US v. Google Case Bears More Than a Little Resemblance to the Microsoft Antitrust Case

In many ways, the DOJ’s complaint is a near clone of the Microsoft case, making it a strong, low-risk first step in curbing Google’s...

Should Antitrust Promote Economic Liberty? A Webinar

Should antitrust be designed to promote economic liberty? Watch a Stigler Center webinar discussing what such a system might look like, and the potential...

The Challenges to (Re)forming a Platform Economy for the People

Measured antitrust enforcement and a more comprehensive regulatory regime can ensure that we continue to benefit from digital markets. In attempting to increase competitiveness,...

The Wirecard Saga: Germany’s Enron Moment?

How did Wirecard go from a “rockstar” to a company that fabricates customers, invents profits, and expropriates investors’ capital? Watch a Stigler Center webinar...