David Henderson of the Hoover Institution defends the legacy of Aaron Director, the most enigmatic among the founders of the so-called "Chicago School." Director, argues...
Amazon's price matching policies, which were meant to ensure its dominant position, diminished the ability of brands to control how their products are distributed...
Regulators in Washington should immediately launch an investigation into Amazon’s e-commerce business.
In a recent article (and subsequent blog post), I argued that Amazon’s...
A new paper suggests that Amazon’s negative cash flow rapid expansion story may in fact conceal a long-term predatory pricing strategy that violates existing...
The Jeff Bezos vs. The National Enquirer scandal highlights the role that extortion may play in the business model of some news outlets.
Jeff Bezos’s...
Facebook’s latest scandal leads lawmakers to proclaim: “Big tech can no longer be trusted”; New Yorkers vow to resist Amazon’s HQ2 deal; monopolization is...