
Top 10 Admissions from Tech CEOs Secured at the Antitrust Hearing

This week’s Congressional hearing produced evidence of anticompetitive conduct that state attorneys general and private enforcers can use to pursue the dominant platforms under...

What Congress Should Ask Big Tech CEOs

This week, the House Committee on the Judiciary will hold a hearing on digital platforms and market power, during which members will get to question...

Covid-19 and Amazon’s Future: a Webinar With Stacy Mitchell, Steven Kaplan, and Jacob Schlesinger

As part of the Stigler Center’s Political Economy of Covid-19 Series of online programming, which explores the economic and political implications of Covid-19 with...

The Death of Independent Podcasting: What Spotify Is Trying to Do With the Joe Rogan Deal

Spotify is gaining power over podcast distribution by either buying production directly or striking exclusive deals, as it did with Rogan. Once it has...

How the Tension Between Big Business and Antitrust Will Reshape Post-Covid America

Big Business is going to be structuring the response to the pandemic, at least temporarily. A new generation of leaders and thinkers is not...

Congress Can Move Now to Stop Amazon’s Cloning Factory. Here’s How

If there was any doubt that online marketplaces should be considered a separate market before the coronavirus wiped out brick-and-mortar retail, there should...

Zoom, Netflix, Slack: Amazon Is Behind All the Services We Use to Work From Home (and That’s a Problem)

The new normal for millions of people represents a near-total dependence on Amazon’s cloud-computing operation, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and places a substantial portion...

Why Amazon Is Poised to Emerge from the Covid-19 Crisis Stronger Than Ever

So far, Amazon has reacted to the coronavirus outbreak with restrictions designed to cement its market power at the expense of merchants and consumers. Amazon...

Virus-Enhanced Market Power: American Small Businesses Are Kept Hostages by Amazon

Amazon announced restrictions on the type of merchandise it will allow sellers and vendors to send into its warehouses because Amazon’s fulfillment services (FBA) has reached...

Spotify Is Mimicking Google’s and Facebook’s Strategy: Will It Ruin Podcasting?

Spotify announced the acquisition of The Ringer, one of the biggest networks in podcasting: a step further in its quest to dominate the audio industry...