ProMarket Mentions

February 13: The New Republic cites Sandeep Vahessan’s ProMarket article on Robert Bork’s role in transforming antitrust regulation to undermine labor in an article on how the Democratic Party must redevelop its policies following its losses in the 2024 election.

February 12: Rebecca Haw Allensworth cites Brink Lindsey and Steven M. Teles’ ProMarket article on the role of licensing in driving up healthcare costs in her The Atlantic article on the United States’ broken licensing system.

February 9: Martin Sandbu cites Anu Bradford’s ProMarket article on the false choice between digital regulation and innovation in his Financial Times column on how the European Union must rethink the digital economy.

February 3: Doug Kass concurs with Eugene Fama’s prediction that Bitcoin will become worthless in ten years in his post for TheStreet.

January 19: Nate Silver cites John M. Barrios and Luigi Zingales’ ProMarket article discussing the implications of Pfizer influencing the 2020 presidential election in his blog post on why the Democrats lost the 2024 presidential election.

November 13: Investopedia cites Alessio Terzi’s ProMarket article refuting arguments that capitalism is incompatible with efforts to mitigate climate change in its article on what defines capitalism.

October 31: Vox cites Matt Stoller’s ProMarket article on the resurgence of the American antimonopoly movement in its article pushing back against progressive attacks on corporate power.

October 23: Abe Beame cites G. Vaughn Joy’s ProMarket article discussing the Paramount Decrees in a Ringer article on the changing landscape of cinema in the United States.

October 10: John Authers cites Richard Baker, Carola Frydman, and Eric Hilt’s ProMarket’s article on antitrust debates at the turn of the nineteenth century in his Bloomberg column discussing the lack of media interest in antitrust in the leadup to the 2024 presidential election.

September 27: Toni Aguilar Rosenthal and Will Royce cite Dylan Gyauch-Lewis’s ProMarket article in their article on Energy Transfer’s legal battle with the National Labor Relations Board for the Texas Observer.

September 27, 2024: Matt Bruenig and Zephyr Teachout cite in their Nation article Jim Schmitz and David Fettig’s ProMarket article tying monopolies to increased poverty.

September 23, 2024: Kathryn Palmer cites Yonghong An, Michael A. Williams, and Mo Xiao’s ProMarket article in her article for Inside Higher Ed discussing a recent antitrust lawsuit against academic journal publishers.

September 20, 2024: Peter Coy contrasts ProMarket’s disclosure policy to the less rigid standards of other publications in his New York Times column discussing corporate money and conflicts of interest in academia.

September 9, 2024: Politco cites Christian Bergqvist’s ProMarket article on Google’s global antitrust troubles.