
The Increasing Cost of Buying American

‘Buy national’ provisions serve as non-tariff barriers to trade and are often defended as tools for job creation and industrial policy. This column examines...

Corporate Lawyering and Corporate Lawyers’ Disloyalty

The principle of zealous advocacy has long guided the legal profession, often to the detriment of ethical corporate compliance. Elise Maizel argues that reframing such advocacy in corporate law as disloyalty or betrayal when it supports misconduct could realign lawyers’ priorities toward upholding the law and benefit the public good.

The Macroeconomic Implications of Falling Real Estate Prices

In this second article on real estate in the current high-interest-rate environment, Joseph L. Pagliari Jr. explores banks’ exposure to commercial real estate, who might help fill the credit void as bank funding dries up, how the work-from-home phenomenon impacts commercial real estate prices, particularly the office sector, and what risks large urban centers face with emptied office buildings.

Brazil Demonstrates the Challenge of Balancing Growth and Sustainability

The return of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as president of Brazil accompanies a renewed emphasis on sustainability. However, discrepancies in his rhetoric and the policy of his administration reveals a rift between the administration’s twin goals of sustainability and economic development, writes Stephanie Tondo

Joshua Wright: Courts Make Legal Presumptions, Not the Agencies

Joshua Wright provides his round-one comments on the draft Merger Guidelines.

The Antitrust Output Goal Cannot Measure Welfare

ProMarket published the article “The Antitrust Output Goal Cannot Measure Welfare.” The main claim of the article was that “a shift out in a...

How To Really Fix Banking

Laurence Kotlikoff and Rick Miller argue that banking as we know it is dying. It’s time to arrange a smooth transition to limited purpose...

Low Wages are Less Common Today and No More Persistent

Researchers find that a smaller fraction of workers today earn low wages than at any point since the early 1980s. Many Americans believe that wages...

Democratize Work

An excerpt from a new book, Democratize Work: The Case for Reorganizing the Economy, advocates democratizing firms and decommodifying work. Note: On May 16, 2020,...

Antitrust Enforcement, Inflation and Corporate Greed: What do we know?

At a recent Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) event, panelists, including the Stigler Center's own Luigi Zingales, reflected on the roles antitrust enforcement...

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