The Role of the State

"Our New Economy Enables the Winners to Capture Much More of the Welfare"

In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series on concentration in America, Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke discuss bigness, market power, and the digital...

Economists: “Totality of Evidence” Underscores Concentration Problem in the U.S.

Northeastern economist John Kwoka: "There’s really an absence of evidence to the contrary.” Concerns over rising concentration in the American economy have become increasingly prevalent...

Special Message From Margrethe Vestager on the Importance of Antitrust

A special message from Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition, delivered to the participants of the Stigler Center's conference on concentration in America.  Margrethe...

Richard Posner: “The Real Corruption Is the Ownership of Congress by the Rich”

In a keynote interview during the Stigler Center’s conference on concentration in America, Judge Posner said: “You are not going to have people competing with...

“No Convincing Evidence That Concentration Has Been a Major Factor in Explaining Poor U.S. Economic Performance”

In this installment of ProMarket's new interview series on concentration in America, Chicago Booth professor Dennis Carlton strikes a skeptical note concerning claims that increased...

Live Blog: "Is There a Concentration Problem in America?" – Day 1

The Stigler Center is hosting a first-of-its-kind, three-day conference in Chicago that focuses on this very question, bringing together dozens of top academics,  policymakers,...

What Is the Role of Antitrust in a Free-Market Economy?

Opening remarks by Luigi Zingales to the Stigler Center conference: "Is There a Concentration Problem in America?" What is the role of antitrust in a...

Netanyahu, Trump, Nixon and the Use of Antitrust to Tame the Media

Donald Trump and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu are waging a war against the media. Their tools of choice are the same ones used...

“There Is No Indication That Trump Is Pro-Competition”

A new paper by economists Steven C. Salop and Carl Shapiro explores what antitrust might look like under President Trump. In an interview with...

“Growing Evidence That Some U.S. Regulators May Value the Profits of the Incumbents They Regulate Over Consumer Welfare”

In this installment of ProMarket's new interview series, we ask Fiona M. Scott Morton of Yale University about the effects of concentration in America and...

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