A Stigler Center panel debates: Is rising inequality connected to monopolies, rent-seeking, and concentration?
The rise in wealth and income inequality has been at the forefront of...
In this installment of ProMarket’s interview series on concentration in America, Martin Schmalz from the University of Michigan talks about the effects of common ownership...
After decades of approaching antitrust through purely economic analyses, are economists once again willing to take into account political considerations as well?
Should political considerations...
In this installment of ProMarket’s interview series on concentration in America, Cornell University professor Roni Michaely shares data on rising concentration in the U.S. economy.
Does America have...
The time has come to update our antitrust enforcement infrastructure.
There is a renewed focus on the effectiveness of antitrust policy, specifically merger review. Growing...
Where does the president stand on trade and can a global trade war be prevented? Dartmouth professor and trade expert Douglas Irwin holds two stand-alone,...
In this installment of ProMarket’s interview series on concentration in America, Chicago Booth professor and former chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers...
In this installment of ProMarket’s interview series on concentration in America, Chicago Booth professor Steven Kaplan discusses the reasons for the rise in concentration. "Overall,...
In this installment of ProMarket’s new interview series on concentration in America, Chicago Booth professor emeritus Sam Peltzman shares some thoughts on concentration and...
In this installment of ProMarket's interview series on concentration in America, Tommaso Valletti, the European Commission’s Chief Competition Economist, shares some thoughts on economic concentration...