The history of cable and cable programming strongly suggests that without specific FCC safeguards, we can expect a massive “arms race” by providers to...
Watch comments by Luigi Zingales from the recent AEI Panel "Should Washington Break Up Big Tech?”
The excessive concentration of power in the hands of the...
A new study by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development argues: The “endemic rent-seeking that stems from market concentration, heightened corporate power,...
Mergers tend to reduce overall innovation, making consumers “always worse off after a merger," says Tommaso Valletti, the European Commission’s Chief Competition Economist.
As competition authorities...
Redirecting antitrust enforcement to confront monopsony power would be a substantial departure from the way it has been conducted in recent decades, but just...
Following his ouster from New America, antitrust scholar Barry Lynn talks to ProMarket about academic capture and the power of digital platforms like Google.
Over the...
A new study finds that firms connected to members of the House and Senate judiciary committees are more likely to receive favorable merger reviews.