The Role of the State

The Political Footprint of Big Tech in Five Easy Charts

Big tech firms have been active in Washington since the early days of the Microsoft antitrust case, but in recent years they have increased...

Market Concentration, Regulation, and Europe´s Quest for a New Industrial Policy

Weakening competition policy in Europe risks creating monopolies rather than industrial champions. An interventionist style of industrial policy, one that revolves around picking winners, has...

Restoring Antimonopoly Through Bright-Line Rules

The “consumer welfare” approach to antimonopoly is the main contributor to the extreme and dangerous concentrations of power that Americans face today. In place...

Are “Patent Trolls” Stick-Up Artists or Just Benign Middlemen?

A new study explores the dual effect that non-practicing entities, commonly known as patent trolls, have on innovation and the market of ideas. The discussion...

When We Outsource Privacy Compliance, We May Undermine Privacy Protection

Privacy law is currently being shaped and implemented by a new industry of third-party tech vendors. These companies code their own interpretations of privacy...

“Economics Now Points Away From the Laissez-Faire Approach”

Columbia professor Suresh Naidu on Economics for Inclusive Prosperity, the new initiative he launched with Dani Rodrik and Gabriel Zucman, and why he believes...

The Anticompetitive Effects of Current Capital Regulation

Some features of the capital regulation that was designed to increase the safety of the financial system may have unintended consequences on the competitive...

Amazon's Latest Supplier Purge Is a Classic Indicator of Price Predation

Regulators in Washington should immediately launch an investigation into Amazon’s e-commerce business.       In a recent article (and subsequent blog post), I argued that Amazon’s...

Regulators Should Not Change the Regulatory Environment to Include Labor Market Concentration

Research has shown that labor markets with higher levels of labor market concentration have lower wages. It does not necessarily follow that regulators should...

The “Biggest Puzzle in Economics”: Why the “Superstar Economy” Lacks Any Actual Superstars

A new study finds that the contribution of superstar firms to US productivity growth has decreased by more than 40 percent over the past...

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