The Role of the State

Contextualizing the Dispute Between Australia, Facebook, and Google

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's draft news media bargaining code for digital platforms has elicited aggressive responses from both Google and Facebook and...

Competition in Digital Markets: What Have We Learned So Far?

A new Stigler Center working paper systematically analyzed and summarized 21 reports issued by 17 antitrust authorities and expert panels on the subject of...

“The Antitrust Doctrine We’ve Seen Over the Last 40 Years Simply Does Not Match the Lived Experience of People”

In an interview with ProMarket, investigative journalist David Dayen discusses the toll that monopoly power takes on the lives of ordinary Americans and why...

To Ban Or Not to Ban TikTok: How Reciprocity on the Internet Could Backfire

Reciprocity can work on a chalkboard, in simple settings. In real-world settings such as trade, it has proven to be ineffective. How does a free...

Why We Should Be Careful About Google’s Promises in the Fitbit Deal

Google claims its acquisition of Fitbit is not about data, but hardware. This is simply not credible. Data plays a crucial role in the...

Self-Favoring in the Digital Economy and the Role of Antitrust

At the moment, the strategy of the major tech platforms seems to be to deny any bias and malicious self-favoring. The facts, however, do...

When Big Tech Firms Buy Startups, Antitrust Enforcers Should Take Notice

A frequent argument made in favor of allowing Big Tech firms to acquire smaller firms is that permissive merger policy promotes innovative entry. A...

How the European Commission Lost Its Tax Battle Against Ireland and Apple

Last month’s decision by Europe’s General Court to reject the European Commission’s attempt to recover €13 billion in back taxes from Apple was the...

Monopolies: Silent Spreaders of Poverty and Economic Inequality

The Covid-19 crisis has exposed the vast inequalities that exist within the US economy. Monopoly power should be at the top of policymakers’ list...

The Monopoly Harms That Antitrust Keeps Missing

In his new book Monopolized, journalist David Dayen tells the stories of individuals who have suffered at the hands of monopolists, showing the myriad...

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