The Role of the State

Antitrust at CPAC: Conservatives Debate Breaking Up Big Tech

Speaking at the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, Congressmen Darrell Issa and Ken Buck discussed their stances on breaking up Big Tech, Section 230,...

Does Market Power Lead to Political Power?

A Stigler Center webinar explores what would be the foundations of a political and economic system that might be more resilient to pressure from...

Why Are Google and Facebook Now Okay with Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code?

A week of commercial deals and government negotiations has resulted in a series of amendments to the legislation aimed at making Google and Facebook...

How the FTC Protected the Market Power of Pharmacy Benefit Managers

Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) were established in the 1960s to control drug costs but have since morphed into one of the most highly concentrated...

Market Power and Money in Politics

A Stigler Center webinar explores how businesses lobby and compete for political power and whether mergers and industry concentration affect lobbying.  Firms compete in markets,...

What the Biden DOJ Can Learn From the Clinton and Obama Years on How to Tackle America’s Monopoly Problem 

The Clinton DOJ attacked international cartels. The Obama DOJ prioritized merger enforcement. The Biden DOJ needs to focus on America’s monopoly problem. Antitrust is like...

“Free is Not Free”: What the Apple-Facebook Spat and the GameStop-Robinhood Fiasco Have in Common

In an interview with ProMarket, antitrust scholar, lawyer, and businesswoman Dina Srinivasan explains why she believes that if users were given the choice to...

GameStop, the Cantillon Effect, and America’s Corrupt Financial Plumbing

The GameStop frenzy, far from a morality tale of the people showing up Wall Street elites, should show that something is seriously off-kilter about...

Big Tech’s Fight Over Privacy: Could Facebook Win an Antitrust Lawsuit Against Apple?

Do the new iOS 14 privacy features violate antitrust laws? If Facebook brings an antitrust suit against Apple, as it is reportedly considering, there...

Is There a Problem with Competition?

A Stigler Center webinar explores instances where competition turns toxic, whether antitrust policy needs reform, and potential paths forward. Is there such a thing as...

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