In an interview with ProMarket, author and ProPublica reporter Alec MacGillis discusses the rise of Amazon and regional inequality, the role of politics in...
George Stigler’s “The Theory of Economic Regulation” was an early application of public choice reasoning to a practical problem—the work of regulatory agencies. It...
Despite the overwhelming importance of digital platforms, and the chatter around their recent rise, our understanding of digital ecosystems is still limited. As such,...
In an interview with ProMarket, Angela Huyue Zhang, author of a new book Chinese Antitrust Exceptionalism, discusses the motivations behind the recent antitrust investigations...
Prescription drug shortages have become more common in recent years, interrupting usual medical care and increasing patient risk and system costs, but they are...
A new paper explores how truce deals between gangs are equivalent to collusion, and result in higher extortion prices that have negative consequences for...