The Role of the State

A New Antitrust Under Biden? Lessons From the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt

The early history of the Sherman Antitrust Act offers relevant insights to contemporary debates on how to best enforce antitrust laws. In fact, the...

“This Isn’t the Kind of Journalism That Serves Democracy Best”: How Place and Privilege Came to Define American News

In an interview with ProMarket, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Nikki Usher discusses how news in the US came to be produced and...

Should Google Still be Allowed to Crown the Kings in Digital Markets?

Google search is continuously evolving into a full service provider, directly selecting and presenting the information that we are looking for. At first glance,...

How and Why Baseball’s Legal Monopoly Came to Be

Baseball’s antitrust exemption, currently the subject of fierce political backlash, has long been a historical curiosity. Why has a professional sports league enjoyed a...

What does NCAA v. Alston Tell Us About Antitrust and Labor Markets?

The Supreme Court's recent ruling against the NCAA and in favor of student-athletes may seem narrow or trivial, but the Court's acknowledgement of the...

Why the FTC Antitrust Case Against Facebook Was Dismissed

Many of the problems with the FTC complaint against Facebook that was dismissed in court last month appear to be fixable. However, given that...

Charting a Path Forward for College Athletes to Receive Pay

How should colleges pay their student-athletes? A likely model lies with another group of university students, who like near-pro athletes receive tuition waivers, health...

American History Provides a Valuable Lesson on How Monopolists Use Exclusive Deals to Fortify Their Market Power

Since the Civil War, dominant firms have widely and repeatedly used exclusive agreements to exert, expand, and fortify their market power. History shows that...

Rep. Cicilline’s Nondiscrimination Bill Would Offer a Lifeline to Independent App Developers

Contrary to the naysayers, the American Choice and Innovation Online Act won’t result in naked iPhones or iPhones cluttered with hundreds of preinstalled apps. On...

States Beat NCAA, Feds in Race Towards Student-Athlete Pay

For decades, NCAA amateurism regulations limited student-athlete benefits to scholarships and related stipends, even as revenues soared into the billion dollar range. Currently, the...

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